COOLCOM is one of Canada's 1st CIRA Certified Registries and the .ca domain name is still our primary focus of promotion, service and support. Sure we

Complex Domain Registration is our Specialty
Register .law domains in Canada
Register your Law Firm or Legal .LAW domain name at COOLCOM.com for a convenient and painless process. The guidelines as set out by the .law tld are covered as you fill out our short form to get your law domain registered.
Click to get started
High-end Hosting Without Caveat
Is cheap hosting the best place for your business? The truth is many Hosting Platforms that appear less expensive .. well they really aren't. Either year two is brutal or checkout looks nothing like the sticker price. But there is added insult is being treated like you paid for cheap hosting.
One Account, all features, one roof
Protects all hosted domains in account
Domain Buddy
Add 3 URLs for lead-in pages & marketing
WordFence installed and monitored
Since the concept of web hosting began, the requirements of platforms to acommodate the growing needs for security, and the requirements of industry (google for example) have instigated quite a bit of change with regard to the tools an account must include by default.
The COOLPro Account was built from the ground up for today's successfully operating remote business or service.
There's a lot more to the Pro Account too.
Register .site domains
With all the new TLDs available the sky is the limit for your brand and identity. the .site TLD offers the .ca domain owner an alternative URL for marketing outside Canada without having to hope for the .com.
Click to get started
How to qualify for 3 Months FREE Hosting

Register .ca domains
Sure we register all kinds of TLDs here at COOLCOM Digital Media. As one of Canada's first CIRA Certified Registries, the .ca domain name registration is what we specialized in since having gotten started in 1999.
ca Domain Registration, click to get started
Cool things
1 Page Domain List Management Never get frustrated by the management page loop again. All functions for your domains are on one page.
Work with Founders and Managers Why get shoved over to the call centre when you can work directly with the business owners and managers.
"We do it for you" Tech Help Tired of getting links to FAQs? Even though the cPanel tools are yours, we do the lil' things for you.
True Cloud Webhosting Hardware No messing around with old hardware; nothing but the best and entirely housed in Canada.

Register .pro domains
If you're a consultant, the .pro domain name is an excellent TLD (domain extention) for your professoinal profile. As an addition to the .ca domain a .pro adds a global identity that helps you expand your business.
Click to get started
Made in CANADA Business Roots

Why it matters
Supporting fellow Canadian businesses is just the start to a list of great reasons to make sure you work with a Canadian Domain Registry and Hosting Provider. Not only are you keeping hard earned funds circulating within Canada but your Data is stored and runs under Canadian Business, Copyright and Privacy Laws. While this may seem like a small detail, it's vital to note the difference in laws pertaining to data are extensive.
1999, the net was new and .ca domain.. an elusive catch
Co-Founder Kenneth Cool was a pioneer in .ca domain registration pre-CIRA days when .ca domain name licensing rules challenged even the most patient minds. His capable guidance enabled many of the .ca domain worlds first users to register their first .ca domain.
It's gotten so much easier to register a .ca domain, but no less important to ensure your .ca domain registry has experience. When registering domains with COOLCOM, you gain the benefit of "insider" knowledge that comes from years of experience. Someday that may just get you over one of those unexpected hurdles our .ca domain registrants often come up against.
Co-Founder JoCOOL has not only worked with some of Canada's top retailers and service agencies to build unique and interactive Business Internet Platforms in the Country, but also launched a number of side-gigs and frontline gigs during COVID in order to assist clients in supplementing their incomes.
JoCOOL now keeps her 24 year cache of Internet Hardware Platform and Business Software, and .ca registration secrets strictly for clients of COOLCOM and .. some just for webinars, classes and mentorship in Club Cool.